Salt, sunlight, and sand exposure on a regular basis could instantly damage your skin. Even if you’re wearing good sunscreen to protect your skin, hydrating it even after every surf ride will make it smooth and nutritious. The ocean is a harsh environment for the skin, and you spend more time there as a surfer than the ordinary person. For example, gorgeous Coffey sisters! Ellie Jean Coffey, Ruby Lee Coffey, and Bonnie Lou Coffey.
Extended exposure to the sun, breeze, your wetsuit’s seams and materials, the harshness of the beach, or simply the use of strong sunscreens can block, dehydrate, and aggravate your skin. Even when you’re lazy or just don’t care, there are lots of advantages to continuing carrying a nice body and face moisturizer on hand.
Below are five reasons why you should moisturise your skin post surfing.
Importance of moisturizer when you are a surfer
This Revitalizes the Vital Oils of the Skin
When the severe water conditions are paired with a prolonged surfing session, the skin is stripped of its essential oils. When you possess reactive or dry skin, this is especially troublesome.
The epidermis will be replenished and soothed with a decent moisturiser that is ideal for your skin type, replenishing the hydration lost during the surf session.
It soothes the skin
The same factors that deplete the skin’s natural hydration can irritate and harm it. Following surfing, tenderly cleansing and hydrating the body with a cream tailored to your type of skin and demands will soothe it and allow it to regain its normal function, minimizing additional harm.
It helps to keep the skin healthy
Skin that is sufficiently hydrated is much more resilient and guarded. When you truly care for your skin with each surfing practice, it will be more stable and ready to face the challenges of the upcoming surf session.
It Prevents Aging at a Younger Age
Sun exposure is one of the most common major skin ageing, however even using sunblock to shield oneself from the sunrays may not be sufficient. A proper skincare practice makes your skin healthy and robust, reducing symptoms of ageing and other problems.
It’s Not as Difficult as You Might Think
There are no longer any reasons for just not hydrating the skin. Whether sustainable and environment, vegans, or perhaps even DIY moisturisers to luscious, elevated formulas with heavenly aromas or ultra-handy spray packagings, there are alternatives to fit every need and taste.
Test to determine what actually works for you, and then stick with it. Your skin is definitely going to appreciate it.